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Paket Lengkap Buku Learning Time A+ Program
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Paket Lengkap Buku A+ Program Learning Time

Utk mengetahui secara detail mengenai paket ini dapat dilihat melalui website:

www dot LearningTime dot co

Paket berisi:

Rak Buku Learning Time

Master Index

Birth to Three Years(Learning Fundamentas)

Three to Six Year (Learning Fundamentals)

Children's Thematic Dictionary

Children's Atlas

Eltee Math Kit

Eltee Pen

DVDs and CD ROMs Discover English

Sertifikat Asli Learning Time

Paket Buku Awareness (Living World)

1. Animal on Land

2. Animal and Water

3. Birds and Insect

4. Planet World

5. Human Body

Paket Buku Awareness (Explore)

6. Amazing Places

7. People and Places

8. Planet Earth

9. Things Around Us

10. Fun Things To Do

Paket Buku Awareness (Science and Technology)

11. Technology

12. Transport

13. The Universe

14. Everyday Science

15. Inventions

16. Master Index

Paket Buku Attitude:

1. Tu Whitoo Tu Whitoo

2. Up The Mountain

3. Pineapple Party

4. An Adventure at Sea

5. The Talented Elephant

6. Santa's Little Helpers

7. The Sweetest Monster

8. The Hole in The Boat

9. Big Chief Wiz

10. The Ice Cream Princess

11. Always Hung Lee

12. The Castle on The Beach

13. The Scavenger Hunt

14. The Spihinx's Nose

15. The Treasure Seekers

Paket Buku Ability 1:

1. Numbers and Counting

2. Addition

3. Substraction

4. Multiplication

5. Division

6. Measurement

Paket Buku Ability 2:

1. At The Circus

2. On The Farm

3. Going Places

4. Going Shoping

5. A Special Day

6. At The Zoo

Cocok utk ibu hamil, bayi, anak dari lahir sampai SMP

Kondisi buku 100% bagus dan semua perlengkapan berfungsi 100% dengan baik.

Harga baru diatas 20 juta.

Lokasi Rawamangun Jakarta Timur.

Jika ingin video penggunaan eltee pen bisa chat wa.

Eltee Pen berfungsi 100% OK

Harga bisa nego

Rp 3.500.000

Paket Lengkap Buku Learning Time A+ Program

Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta D.K.I.
25 Feb

Lokasi iklan

Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta D.K.I.
ID IKLAN 919978841