Content: Contains 1 booster pack with cards
Set Theme: Focuses on popular themes like "Supernovas," "Dressrosa," and "Donquixote Pirates"
New Leaders: Introduces new leader cards featuring popular characters
Card Types: Includes Leader, Character, Event, Stage, and DON!! cards
Age Rating: Suitable for ages 9 and up
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 31, 2024
Content: Contains 1 booster pack with cards
Set Theme: Focuses on popular themes like "Supernovas," "Dressrosa," and "Donquixote Pirates"
New Leaders: Introduces new leader cards featuring popular characters
Card Types: Includes Leader, Character, Event, Stage, and DON!! cards
Age Rating: Suitable for ages 9 and up
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 31, 2024
Minimal pembelian booster pack x5
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One Piece Card Game OP-10 Royal Bloodline booster pack
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