bmw x1 (2019)
1.5 sDrivei18i xLine Bensin-AT

45.000-50.000 Km

*** HARGA KREDIT : Rp 429jt. (NETT).
HARGA CASH : Rp. 479jt.
BMW X1 SDrive th 2019 pembelian 2020.
F48 Sport 1.5 Turbo Engine.
• Coating NANO CERAMIC by Lenzo Body Coating.
(BUKAN Coating TEFLON yaa guys, Teknologi Nano Ceramic jauh lebih kilap dan lebih tahan lama dibanding Coating Paint Protection TEFLON, Proses Pengeringan Partikel Nano dengan menggunakan Oven Pemanas Infrared 80 Derajat Celcius).
• Full Detailing termasuk salon interior, salon mesin dan salon kaca (hilangkan jamur kaca), dan juga tidak Lupa Velg dibersihkan semuanya.
• Fogging Anti Virus dan Anti Bakteri.
•} Plat L warna Putih.
•} Low Kilometer 54rb (BUKAN MILES/ 29rb Miles) Asli, Record Service Astra BMW Surabaya.
•} Electric Power Back Door.
•} Panoramic + Sunroof.
•} Rear Camera.
•} Joystick Handle Transmision.
•} New idrive + Touch LCD Screen.
•} Electrical Front Leather Sport Seat.
•} Digital Speedometer.
•} Electric Parking Brake.
•} Drive Mode: Eco Pro, Comfort, Sport.
•} Leather Seat, Electric Seat, Memory Seat.
•} New Lci Featured LED Headlights and Foglights.
•} Keyless Entry.
•} Dynamic Seat with Memory Seat.
•} BMW Integrated Audio Video System.
•} BMW Headlight Projector.
•} Easy Cluster Multi Information Display.
•} AC Dual Digital Climate Control.
•} Front & Rear Park Tronic Sensor.
•} Cruise Control, Steering Audio Control.
•} Keyless Entry (Start/Stop Engine Button).
•} Body 100% Orisinil Cat, Sangat Mulus Terawat.
•} Mesin halus, Matic aman, Kaki onderstel nyaman tidak ada bunyi gelodakan sama sekali.
•} GARANSI uang kembali 100% bila mobil bekas nabrak dan bekas banjir.
•} BPKB dan Faktur Asli, Kunci serep ada juga, dpt 2 Remote Smartkey Keyless.
--- LENZO MOBIL - - -
Jl. Simojawar no 27D.
maps: "Lenzo Body Coating".
• Coating Nano Ceramic Technology •
By Lenzo Body Coating *
Recommended by Astra BMW Surabaya.
(LENZO Rekanan MOU resmi dgn Astra BMW Surabaya).